The Science Team

Under the authority of its Scientific Director, Dr. Marcel Mersel, Beta Innov has built a very homogeneous and complementary team of nine researchers, PhDs and Engineers who know themselves for years, and who perfectly master Organic Synthesis, Biochemistry, Cell Culture Techniques and the development of «ex et in vivo» models.

  • Dr. Clovis Rakotoarivelo (Company Founder)
    PhD in Sciences from Strasbourg University. Expert in Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell Culture and Imagery.
  • Dr. Rim Bendris
    PhD in Neurosciences from Montpellier I University. Expertise in Biology and Biochemistry.
  • Dr. Yasmin Brinkmann
    PhD in Organic Synthesis Chemistry / Education: Universities of Madrid and Strasbourg, Expertise in Protein Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology.
  • Dr. Lydie Fasquelle
    PhD in Neurosciences from Montpellier I University. Expertise in cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and imagery.
  • Dr. Sébastien Sagnol
    PhD in Genetics and Developmental Biology from the University of Lyon ; Level I graduate in Preclinical Testing. Expertise in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Imaging.
  • Alexandre Lino
    Engineer in Chemistry and Biology, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie in Montpellier. Expertise in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology.